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I like the art in the game but its got some major bugs


Is everything okay over here? There seems to be a dreaded radio silence regarding the progress of this game for some time.


Work on this project will resume in August, Hoping to release a more  full demo this Hallween 2024! 

Awesome :)

It's October ;)


Seems like project is abbandonned, shame as premise was/is superb

awesome game, hope it gets updated!


This is definitely my favorite of the games this year! My only suggestions so far would be to work on that getting stuck in walls problem and change her attack to simply strike in the direction she's facing, not the direction your pressing.


I've gotten stuck on the corners of ledges. Not sure how to unstuck myself without closing out of the game, but it's happened a couple of times.
I love the style, and the main character is charming. Just this one bug is making it difficult to progress.

(1 edit) (+3)

If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, I would advise foregoing the dynamic hitbox, and sticking to a fixed hitbox throughout all sizes. Yes, it may result in some visual clipping at larger sizes, but at least it will maintain the functionality.

i am not able to go over the first wall any idea

you should be able to use  wall jumps to scale it. 


the game is great but the only problem i have with it is that souls don't recover after dying and reaching a checkpoint


Everything outside of that known bug felt like a fairly decent core, but "sometimes" getting stuck in walls seems like a heavy underestimation to me. The moment you hit 26+ souls, every single wall is now a near-immediate softlock due to the collision mismatch of front and back. Touching a wall at that size means turning around (including via walljump, your only way to climb!) will clip your abdomen into that wall and pin you there until you restart the entire game, every time without fail.

I was curious if there was a larger size, but the best routing i've managed so far is 40 souls before i'm unable to move anywhere else w/o softlocking, and only 32 can be carried to the game-ending NPC. Overall, liked what I saw.

just before meeting 1xt orange demon-guy, it's very easy to get stuck on the wall if You are big enough. This happens (always?) after consuming 2nd mimic.

I got stuck off screen going over a wall


Great to see a platformer! Very promising art too. A couple things I think could be improved on this one are some of the character control/movement things though. The lack of I-frames is a big one. If you take damage, you will continue to take damage every frame. This is compounded by some jumps seemingly being impossible without taking damage.

Another pain point was the attack. It seems to default to attacking to the right, even if the character is facing left. Only if the character is moving left will it attack left. An upward/jump attack would also be nice, seeing how most enemies are flying.

But, overall, the art style was very charming & a gamemaker platformer in the Jam was a breath of fresh air. Great for a first game!